
Friday, September 24, 2010

I , Me , Myself

18 January 1991, the date where I was born in Johor. 15 years in Johor, then ,my family plan to moved to Kuala Lumpur. Really missed johor, so many sweet memory that I had in there.
Currently stay at bdr sri damansara, kuala lumpur for about more than 4 years I guess. The youngest from 6 siblings. Very closed to her family so much. Whenever I go, my mom and sister always company me. Slightly different in here (Perak) , a place where I should learn myself bein away with them :’( . failed to blend it at first time, but as time goes by, and now im in the third sem in here (UITM) , I can blend it slowly. Learning in architecture’s course make my family proud of me, but its actually not quite an easy course for me. Ya, of course whatever subject we study, we need a lot of work , effort and passion on doing it. Same as architecture, we need more and more effort and passion in designing ‘something’.
Im  a kind of person hard to be mad at people. Sometime if I mad with someone, I will talk alone with myself, crying without no one knows. I loved to kept secret rather than sharing with others.

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