
Tuesday, October 5, 2010


According to my reading at the web, mandala is meant is Sanskrit as a ‘circle’
It is
~ used for Hindu and Buddhist religion tradition. The shape is square with 4 gates at the center point each side of the square
~The gates are guarded by four angry doorkeepers( so that only the rightful disciples can get through)
~ The four circles on the Mandala represent as the enlightenment. Which is the meditationg person must gain before she can enter the illuminated palace (belief)
            ~four circles
                        ~fire of wisdom – the outermost of the circle which include ‘purifying fire’
                        ~vajra circle – the diamond circle which means as ‘strength and fearlessness’
                        ~tombs – 8 tombs smbolises 8 states of consciousness. ‘ which the person must go beyond.
                        ~lotus circle – express the open state of the devotion, compulsory to enter the palace
~symbolises the original crystalline purity when it is connected with the Buddha Vajrasattva.
~If  you can see at the center of the shape is a lotus blossom with 8 petals.
~Each petals representing as symbolic deities ; 4 female and 4 male.
~The lotus itself used as a symbol of the teaching of Buddha. The plant standing with the roots in the mud, yet raising its blossom towards the light. So that you can be like :
            ~ right beliefs
            ~right speech
            ~right effort
            ~right thinking
and others which mostly will lead you into the positive way 

Colour symbolises of the Mandala

~White - Vairocana: The delusion of ignorance becomes the wisdom of reality.
~Yellow - Ratnasambhava: The delusion of pride becomes the wisdom of sameness.
~Red - Amitabha: The delusion of attachment becomes the wisdom of discernment.
~Green - Amoghasiddhi: The delusion of jealousy becomes the wisdom of accomplishment. 
~Blue - Akshobhya: The delusion of anger becomes the mirror like wisdom.

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